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Premium +100mW Green Laser w/ Special Effects
Premium  +100mW Green Laser w/ Special Effects

Output power is verified with a Coherent FieldMaster GS
power meter and test results are recorded on the instruction sheet.
These lasers typically have 0.5-1mW of IR; however this is not counted
towards the +100mW total of 532nm.

Can be used as a normal single beam laser or use the 4 effects caps that can be rotated  like a kaleidoscope to produce amazing laser patterns.


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Price: US $159.00
128.44 GBP 228.13 CAD 153.48 EUR

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4 Product Reviews - Average rating 10 (Show All)

Greatest gadget I own

dennis buzis - 09th July 2013

I have been in the laser hobby since 2003, and collected many lasers since then! Optotronics is the greatest laser and greatest customer service over all other lasers hands down! I just purchased the green laser with the special effects tips and did a special laser show for my clients. They loved it! I loved it! Thank you for this great product!


Danford N Barney - 23rd November 2012

Difficult to express greater enthusiasm than noted above, so I will just reinforce those well phrased reviews. Truly well engineered and I'm sure also of great educational value... But for me, it is simply the coolest light I own (and that is saying quite a lot!). I will certainly buy more - and I absolutely recommend if you are looking for top of the line.

Amazing and Impressive

J Marble - 16th October 2012

I have been wanting an Optotronics laser for years ever since I first read about their quality and output on laser forums. I finally got one, and it is incredible. I was skeptical that I'd get the results I've seen in so many videos, but I truly did.

During the daylight, the bright green spot was clearly visible, even hundreds of yards away. At night, the beam is clearly visible, shooting through the air, and it really does reach into the sky. In fact, I found it difficult to use indoors simply because the spot is so bright. I did not try any balloon popping, but I will. Let's just say the beam is so powerful, I got asked several times if it was legal.

The effects caps are neat, and have a variety of patterns, which change as you rotate the cap. They definitely garner oohs and aahs from any spectators, but the real show stealer is that bright beam shooting through the air. The caps split the light so much that any beam is barely visible when showing a pattern, but the dots are clearly visible at night a...



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