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Yellow Lasers:



DPSS laser techniques have been a driving force in the laser industry for over a decade, just as with the common green laser, yellow lasers or (amber) operates in within the 589nm ~ 594nm visible spectrum. Currently, yellow laser technology has become a relevant color of choice to many laser hobbyist, do to lower manufacturing costs which have allowed yellow laser technology to migrate to the portable hand held format at an affordable cost. Much like all DPSS systems, the color yellow (amber) is achieved by the same principles as the cost effect DPSS "greenies" by IR pumping crystal arrays within the optics cavity with special techniques that into the wavelength of yellow. Lasers of this spectrum produce stunning visual eye candy to the end user and adds a wow factor the any collector or hobbyist.

While not a death ray, the yellow laser has certainly made its place in the industry and will continue to follow the path of the red and green propagation techniques by eventually migrating to a solid state diode which will virtually eliminate the IR pumped crystal arrays all together. The evolution for yellow lasers collimates from the desire to produce a myriad of spectral colors in the visible range. Recently, yellow laser technology and manufacturing techniques allow this highly creative color to migrate into the portable laser format, becoming as small as the typical red laser pointer.

Yellow lasers are the newest breed in the world of laser technology and are becoming affordable and practical for the everyday collector and laser hobbyist. Currently these lasers are capable of operating at the class IIIb level of output and are considered sleek and unique to the laser industry. Lecturing, sight and sound - audio/visual presentations suddenly become more inquisitive and interesting with the new yellow laser pointers of today. This awesome color will guarantee a unique experience to your friends, colleagues and other hobbyist who has sought after this brilliant marvel in technology.





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Premium +150mW Green Laser
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40-piece Premium optics Kit
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