Optotronics Clients
At Optotronics we strive to provide the highest quality products along with the best customer support
in the industry. Listed below are just a few of our clients from the academic and corporate world.
Columbia University
Cornell University Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics.
Dartmouth College.
Dresden University of Technology
Edwards AFB AFRL/RZSA (Aero physics branch)
EPFL (�cole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne) Switzerland LSENS (Laboratory of Sensory Proecessing)
Hawaii Community College
HHMI / Harvard University
IPG Photonics
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Max Planck Institute
Mt Saint Mary's University
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Stanford University
St. Mary's College of California
Southeast Community College (Lincoln, NE)
United States Navy
United States Army
University of Alabama
University of California Santa Barbara
University of Florida dept. of Chemistry
University of Illinois dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Universidad de La Laguna Spain dept. de Fisica
University of Michigan
University of South Florida Center for Ocean Technology
University of Warsaw dept. of Physics and Radiochemistry
University of Wisconsin ICECUBE project
University of WYoming dept. of Chemistry
Utah Valley State College
Weber State University dept. of Physics