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Blue Lasers :



Lasers in the blue spectrum generally operate between the 360nm ~ 480nm of the visible wavelength. Blue lasers that are pumped or configured to operate in a solid state fashion (DPSS) are most often lased at 473nm, which is produced by frequency doubling of 946nm IR laser radiation from a diode-pumped Nd:YAG or Nd:YVO4 crystal doubling the frequency at 473nm. Blue laser light, being the shortest of the visible wavelength, allowed computer industries to quadruple the amount of data that could be read and stored on a compact disc. It was one of the last primary colors left to be made into a diode and scientist tackled the ambition of creating blue lasers for the sole purpose of creating dense storage mediums that has essential become mainstream in the computer industry.

Blue-Ray technology was a product of blue laser diodes and have effectively become the smallest wavelength in the blue spectrum. This allows storing data to become the most proficient means of putting the most amount of information in the smallest retention mechanism currently available. Increasing the size and capacity of a multitude of mediums.

Laser enthusiasts consider the blue laser to be a saught after marvel for the common laser hobbyist. The Blue Ray and 473nm DPSS lasers are now commonly found in laser pointer style formats and home-made devices that utilize this spectrum. Do-It-Yourself or DIY hobbyist have created blue laser projects from cannibalizing diodes from many devices that use this spectrum. I.e.; Game consoles, DVD-burners and other devices that are equipped with this wavelength.






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