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Laser Pointers:


Laser pointers are generally portable pen sized lasers and operate at or below 5mW. These are classified as Class IIIa laser pointers. Over a decade ago, the 650nm red laser pointers where in their infancy and created quite a stir within the professional communities that provided audio-visual presentations. With today’s technology and craftsmanship, laser pointers can easily output 30 times the power output from within the same size and configuration of the common pen style lasers. In late 1999 early 2000 the green lasers appeared on the market, fueling even more fascination with laser pointers. Green lasers operating at 532nm are highly visible do to the fact; the human high is most responsive to this range of frequency, giving far brighter beam characteristics, making these laser pointers a crowd pleaser.

For the first time since the red laser pointers came on the scene, 532nm green lasers came online, operating at 5mW and hit the ground running, creating a buzz within the laser communities. Enthusiasts and hobbyist appeared over night with the fascination of having highly visible green beams to impress friends and colleagues with. Since then, more colors and styles have been produced. Creating a vast array of colors such as rich yellows, dreamy blue's and even violet color laser pointers. Blue and violet laser pointers appeared in early 2006 and have literally exploded the laser markets into new realms with collectors, hobbyist, enthusiasts, and manufacturing industries and beyond.

Laser pointers can be used for a variety of uses, presentations, star pointing, novelties, holographic projections and school projects, security operations, self defense, non-lethal denial systems. Uses are limited only by the imagination. As with most laser products, safety becomes the main concern with the power of today’s laser pointers. Laser pointers with power outputs above 5mW should always wear protective eye glasses and should never be used in a harmful fashion. Laser pointers operating at 100mW and higher, packs a serious punch and with that power, commands respect of ownership and safety which should always be a primary concern. Always wear goggles when operating laser that operate within the Class IIIb range and never point them at people, places, pets or moving vehicles. Protect your right to ownership and always use high powered laser pointers with safety in mind.






Premium +75mW Green Laser
Now $125.00
Premium +150mW Green Laser
Now $215.00
Premium +100mW Green Laser
Now $154.00
Precision 8 x 25mm fl. Laser Achromat
Now $13.98


laser warning label

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