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Medical Lasers :


There is no doubt that medical lasers are among the most important laser systems in the industry. These lasers provide some of the most important treatments in modern medicine today and are used more and more to replace instruments of invasive surgery. Medical lasers are used in dermatology, surgery, plastic surgery, dentistry, ophthalmic’s, aesthetics, cosmetic procedures and a host of other uses in the medical field.

Other uses of medical lasers range from tattoo and hair removal, skin peels, non-invasive treatment of unsightly leg veins, pigmented lesions, acne. In the related field of Optometry, eye doctors provide LASIK eye surgery to correct vision and enhance daily life by providing out-patient eye surgery. This can also negate the use of eye glasses or contacts to help people see perfectly without assistance for the first time in years. LASIK is a simple procedure in which a surgeon re-shapes the cornea to focus light rays directly on the retina thereby correcting blurry vision.

Medical lasers are also found in dentistry. Dental lasers are used for treatment of periodontal disease, bonding agents, porcelain veneers or cosmetic dentistry. They also provide treatment for tooth decay, whiten teeth and generally provide many soft and hard tissue procedures. Optotronics lasers are not medical lasers and should never be used for such procedures. Never point our products at human tissue or organic materials. Consult with professionally trained and licensed practitioners for all your medical needs.






Premium +100mW Green Laser
Now $154.00
Equilateral Prism 25mm
Now $9.98
Diffraction Grating Set
Now $4.98
40-piece Premium optics Kit
Now $99.00


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