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Astronomy Lasers:


Astronomy lasers, can be described as laser collimators. These lasers help align the optical array of most modern day reflecting telescopes. The precision alignment of a properly collimated telescope, gives the enthusiast the best possible focus and clearest image. While astronomy lasers can mean many things, one of the best ways to describe their uses are for alignment and lens correction on many types of modern day telescopes.

A perfectly aligned telescope will ensure years of enjoyment and will keep you and your youngster happily interested in astronomy. Lasers that are used for collimating generally laze at 650nm providing enough visibility to complete the task. Fitting into the eye piece or viewer, the laser collimator will send a beam through the lens array and will detect miss-alignment as the beam passes through each lens. Mirrors that are off axis can easily be aligned because if the beam bounce back is not aligned with the egress beam, this is a sure sign your telescope needs collimating.

Astronomy lasers will enhance imagery still photography and CCD capture devices by giving you the best possible alignment. One of the best astronomy lasers for lens alignment will allow collimation of the laser itself. Never purchase a laser for this purpose that cannot be collimated. Only purchase lasers that are fully collimated from the factory or can be adjusted or collimated internally. This guarantees the best possible image from your telescope investment.






Premium +100mW Green Laser w/ Special Effects
Now $159.00
Precision Cube Beam Splitter 20mm
Now $34.98
Precision 8 x 25mm fl. Laser Achromat
Now $13.98
Premium +10mW Green Laser w/ Special Effects
Now $49.95


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